America's Mountain

America's Mountain
This is what I see every morning on my way to work!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Final camping trips

Well, Susan has been getting around a bit better lately so we decide to take in the last 2 camp outs of the year. We went to Golden Gate Canyon the last weekend of September and had a good time.
To our surprise the aspens were turning a little later than usual and we saw some good color. We also had a nice visit with my cousin's son and family - on their way to Breckenridge. Alas, no pictures of them! :-(

The next weekend we went to Riverview RV Park in Loveland for the final Mile High Trailblazers Rally of the year. A trip to Estes Park and RMNP on Saturday netted some wildlife photo opportunities.

Some bighorn sheep in the Big Thompson Canyon.

A sleepy buck (13 points) lounging on the outskirts of Estes Park.

So, camping season is over but we are already making plans for next year (reservations require 6 months advance planning!) We hope to go to Mt Rushmore and maybe some locations we have not been before.

Grandkid pictures from N. GA and N.C.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No Yellowstone this year! :-(

I had hoped to be writing a trip report for a camping trip to Yellowstone by this time. But Susan's health deteriorated the last couple of months and we had to cancel the trip. She was so weak a few weeks ago that I literally had to help her get out of a chair and walk her to the bathroom. The main culprit was the side effects of 7 weeks of radiation and chemo, and extended use of steroids. All that is behind her now so she is much better now and gaining strength each day. We are hopeful that she'll be ready for a short camping trip to Golden Gate Canyon State Park in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Anniversary to my bride of 42 years!

On Tuesday August 10 Susan and I will celebrate 42 years of marriage. I put together a little video of pictures over the years with family and friends and I was struck by the consistency of Susan's bright eyes and beautiful smile. I love you dear. Hope you (and everyone else) enjoy this quick view of the last 42 years.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Grand kid pictures

What would a blog be without pictures - and for any grandparent, pictures of the grandkids wins hands down. This is Sam - taken in May this year.

Here's a picture of Lucy from this summer.

And finally, here is Lauren at 10 months - in July this year.

Initial post

I created this blog for several reasons. Mainly I wanted a single place that I could post trip reports about our camping trips, provide updates on Susan's recovery after radiation and chemo, post notes and pictures about our Trailmanor camper, and post some pictures along with the various reports.

The story of the "Cav-Inn" is included on our website so I'll not rehash it here.

Hope you enjoy my posts along the way.
